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Small Kitchen Appliance Guide

Small apartment kitchen.

When it comes to the intricate task of outfitting a small kitchen, homeowners and designers alike frequently face the challenge of discovering and selecting appliances that not only fit comfortably within the limited space available but also do so without sacrificing essential functionality or the aesthetic style that makes a kitchen feel like home. This comprehensive blog post thoughtfully delves into the world of compact and highly efficient kitchen appliances, meticulously providing a wealth of valuable insights, practical suggestions, and expert advice specifically tailored for those looking to make the most out of their smaller kitchen spaces.

Small aparment kitchen.
Photo by Coco Lapine Design

Also, we have a guide on small chest freezers, perfect for those who need extra frozen storage without taking up too much space, complementing our selection of top small kitchen appliances.

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Countertop Microwave: Compact Convenience

Compact microwaves, measuring less than 1 cu. ft., are a game-changer for small kitchens. While standard microwaves can take up considerable counter space, these smaller versions deliver the same functionality in a more space-efficient package. Some even come with advanced features like air-frying and convection options. A pro tip for saving even more space is to place the microwave on top of the fridge or on a dedicated microwave cart.

LG NeoChef Countertop Microwave
LG NeoChef Countertop Microwave Photo by LG

Small Air Fryer: Crisp Cooking in Tiny Spaces

Small air fryers are perfect for those who love crispy, fried food but have limited counter space. These appliances are designed for serving sizes from one to four people and occupy less than 12 inches of counter space. They're an ideal addition if your microwave doesn't include an air fryer setting.

NINJA Electric Air Fryer
NINJA Electric Air Fryer Photo by NINJA

Small Range: Cooking in Compact Style

For those living in older bungalows, urban apartments, narrow townhouses, or even campers, standard 30-inch ranges are often too large. Smaller, apartment-friendly ranges, measuring 20 to 24 inches, are available with all the features of larger models, including glass-top, electric, gas, and convection options.

Amana 2.6 cu. ft. Electric Range
Amana 2.6 cu. ft. Electric Range Photo by Amana

Countertop Dishwasher: The Space-Saving Cleaning Solution

Small kitchens often sacrifice a dishwasher to maximize cabinet storage. However, countertop dishwashers, available in 18 or 24 inches, offer an efficient, space-saving solution. These models connect directly to the kitchen tap and boast features like multiple wash cycles and digital controls.

GE Countertop Dishwasher
GE Countertop Dishwasher Photo by GE

Apartment-Sized Refrigerator: Slim Storage Solutions

Standard refrigerators are typically 36 inches wide, but in a small kitchen, every inch counts. An apartment-sized fridge, up to 24 inches wide, provides ample storage space while freeing up precious kitchen real estate.

Magic Chef Mini Refrigerator
Magic Chef Mini Refrigerator Photo by Magic Chef

Counter-Depth Refrigerator: Streamlining Kitchen Design

Standard refrigerators can protrude significantly from the counter, disrupting the flow of a small kitchen. Counter-depth refrigerators, around 27 inches deep, align more closely with counters and cabinets, offering a sleeker look and improved traffic flow.

Whirlpool Counter-Depth Refrigerator
Whirlpool Counter-Depth Refrigerator Photo by Whirlpool

Single-Cup Coffee Brewer: Compact Caffeine Fix

Single-serve coffee machines are the compact alternatives to bulky coffeemakers. Whether you prefer pods/cups or ground coffee, these mini versions ensure your daily caffeine intake doesn't come at the expense of counter space.

 Famiworths Mini Coffee Maker Single Serve
Famiworths Mini Coffee Maker Single Serve Photo by Famiworths

Tips For Selecting Top Small Kitchen Appliances

When outfitting a small kitchen, it's essential to consider not just the size, but also the efficiency and versatility of your appliances; these tips and tricks are designed to help you make smart, space-saving choices without compromising on functionality or style.

  • Measure Precisely: Before purchasing, accurately measure the available space, including allowance for doors and ventilation.
  • Opt for Multi-Functionality: Choose appliances that offer multiple features, like a microwave that also works as an oven.
  • Under-Counter Models: Consider appliances that fit under the counter, like dishwashers and refrigerators, to save counter space.
  • Go Vertical: Utilize vertical space, mounting appliances under cabinets or on walls.
  • Choose Compact Sizes: Look for slim versions of standard appliances; a narrow refrigerator or dishwasher can be just as effective.
  • Energy Efficiency: Select energy-efficient models that often come in more compact sizes.
  • Built-In Storage Features: Opt for appliances with integrated storage solutions to maximize space.
  • Smart Technology: Consider smart appliances for their sleek designs and space-saving capabilities.
  • Adjustable Features: Choose appliances with customizable settings like removable shelves or adjustable racks.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Invest in high-quality appliances that are space-efficient, durable, and meet your specific needs.

These focused tips will help you choose the right appliances for your small kitchen, ensuring functionality without sacrificing style or space.

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Smart Choices for Compact Kitchen Spaces

In conclusion, equipping your small kitchen with the right appliances is a blend of thoughtful measurement, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. By following these tips and tricks, you can transform your compact space into a highly efficient and stylish culinary area. Remember, if you need assistance with assembling or installing your new kitchen appliances, services like National Assemblers are there to help, ensuring your kitchen is not only well-equipped but also professionally set up for your convenience and enjoyment.

Not to mention, our team of experts is here to assist you with your dining room furniture assembly to your BBQ grill assembly. Contact us today and let us help you with your installation!

Article cover photo: Michaela Komi/Shutterstock
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