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Lowe's Storm Doors: A Home Protection Guide

Lowe's storm door for secure and stylish protection.

Storm doors are a homeowner's safeguard against harsh weather, providing a vital shield against wind, rain, and debris. Beyond protection, they boost your home's energy efficiency by reducing drafts and adding an extra layer of insulation. With a variety of styles available, storm doors also enhance your home's curb appeal, complementing your entrance with a unique touch. This article delves into the benefits of storm doors, exploring the diverse range offered by Lowe's. These doors can be professionally assembled by the certified technicians at National Assemblers, ensuring optimal functionality and protection for your home. Read on to make an informed decision on the best storm door for your needs and budget. Not to mention, we also have a guide on Lowe's Sheds if you are interested.

Storm door

Key Benefits: Enhancing Your Home with a Storm Door

Discover the advantages of installing a storm door, from providing unmatched protection to your main entry door and boosting energy efficiency, to enhancing home security, promoting ventilation, allowing more natural light, improving outdoor visibility, and elevating your home's curb appeal.

  • Unmatched Protection for Your Entry Door: One of the most significant advantages of a storm door is the protection it provides to your primary entry door. Think of it as a barrier that shields your main door from the elements, including rain, wind, snow, and hail. This protection is especially beneficial if your main door is made of wood or another material susceptible to weather damage. By keeping the adverse effects of weather at bay, a storm door can help your main door maintain its appeal and functionality longer, saving you costly repairs or replacement.
  • Energy Efficiency Boost: A storm door serves as an additional layer of insulation for your home. It traps in the warm air during cold winters and blocks the hot air in scorching summers. This additional insulation means your heating and cooling systems don't have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, leading to potential savings on your energy bills.

  • Amplified Home Security: In an era where home security is paramount, adding a storm door to your home can increase your sense of safety. Many storm doors come with durable locking systems, providing an extra layer of security against potential intruders. Moreover, the robust construction of storm doors makes them a challenging barrier for anyone attempting to break into your home.
  • Enhanced Ventilation: Ventilation is crucial for maintaining indoor air quality, especially during the warm summer months. A storm door can contribute significantly to this. Most storm doors come with screen options, allowing you to open the glass panel and let fresh air circulate through your home without worrying about bugs or debris.
  • Natural Light Influx: There's something incredibly uplifting about a home filled with natural light. Storm doors, particularly those with full or half glass panels, allow sunlight to flood into your home, creating a warm, welcoming environment. This can also help reduce your dependence on artificial lighting during the day, contributing to energy savings.
  • Improved Outdoor Visibility: With a full-view storm door, you can enjoy your garden or the street view without stepping outside. This clear, unobstructed view of the outdoors can be particularly enjoyable if you have children playing outside or simply love to keep an eye on the neighborhood.
  • Aesthetic Enhancement and Curb Appeal: Storm doors come in a myriad of styles, designs, and colors, offering an opportunity to enhance your home's aesthetic appeal. A well-chosen storm door can complement your home's architecture and décor, making a statement to anyone who visits. This not only makes your home more inviting but can also increase its curb appeal, which is beneficial if you plan to sell your property in the future.

Types of Lowe's Storm Doors for Every Home

Full View Storm Doors

Full view storm doors are a popular choice for homeowners who want to maximize natural light while still maintaining protection against the elements. These doors come with a full-length glass panel that can be replaced with a screen during warmer months, allowing for optimal ventilation. The LARSON Full-View Storm Door is an excellent example of this type of door available at Lowe's.

LARSON Signature Selection Full-view Aluminum Storm Door
LARSON Signature Selection Full-view Aluminum Storm Door Photo by LARSON Doors

Mid-View Storm Doors

For those who want a balance of light and privacy, mid-view storm doors are an ideal choice. They have a smaller glass panel, covering about half the door's surface, with the rest of the door being solid. The Larson Mid-View Storm Door is a stylish option in this category.

LARSON Bismarck Mid-view Fixed Screen
LARSON Bismarck Mid-view Fixed Screen Photo by LARSON

High-View Storm Doors

High-view storm doors offer the most privacy and insulation, as they have a small glass panel at the top of the door, with the majority of the door being solid. The Larson High-View Storm Door is a great example of a high-quality high-view door.

LARSON Northport High-view Fixed Screen Storm Door
LARSON Northport High-view Fixed Screen Storm Door Photo by LARSON

Expert Tips for Selecting and Maintaining Your Storm Door

Storm doors are a practical and stylish addition to any home, but choosing the right one and maintaining it properly can make a world of difference. Here are some expert tips to help you make the most of your storm door investment.

Selecting the Perfect Material

Storm doors are available in a variety of materials, each with its unique set of benefits. Aluminum storm doors, for instance, are lightweight yet robust, making them an excellent choice for those seeking durability without the bulk. They're also typically low-maintenance and are generally more affordable than other materials, making them a budget-friendly choice.

Wood storm doors, on the other hand, offer a classic, timeless appeal. They can be painted or stained to match your home's exterior, and while they may require a bit more maintenance than other materials, they can last for years with proper care.

Vinyl storm doors are another popular choice, known for their resistance to rust and corrosion. They're also energy-efficient and can help to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Prioritize Energy Efficiency

For those looking to make their homes more eco-friendly, storm doors can play a significant role. Energy-efficient storm doors, especially those with Low-E glass or insulated panels, can minimize heat transfer, keeping your home comfortable year-round. Look for doors with weather stripping to seal gaps between the door and the frame to further prevent drafts and energy loss.

Regular Maintenance is Essential

Proper maintenance can significantly extend the life of your storm door. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water can keep the door looking its best, while lubricating the hinges and other moving parts can ensure smooth operation. Inspect your door's weather stripping regularly and replace it if it appears worn or damaged to maintain your door's energy efficiency.

Making the Right Choice with Lowe's and National Assemblers

A storm door is more than just an additional door—it’s a smart investment that offers protection, improves energy efficiency, and enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home. Lowe's offers a wide variety of storm doors to cater to every style and need, and with the professional assembly services of National Assemblers, you can be sure your door will be installed correctly and efficiently. Choosing the right storm door might seem daunting, but by considering the material, prioritizing energy efficiency, and opting for professional assembly, you can make a choice that suits your home and lifestyle. Remember, regular maintenance is key to ensuring your storm door's longevity and performance.

Additionally, our proficient team stands ready to assist with smart lock installation on your door, further enhancing your home's security and convenience. And if you require any assistance, we can also help you with any furniture assembly that you may need. Contact us today to enhance your home security.

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